3 LB Ground Chuck
1 8oz Can Tomato Sauce
11/2 tsp Cumin
2 TBS Garlic Powder
11/2 tsp Red Pepper
11/2 tsp White Pepper or Black Pepper (White is hotter)
11/2 TBS Salt
11/2 TBS Onion Powder
¼ Cup Chili Powder
3 TBS Sugar
½ Cup Corn Meal
½ Cup Water
In 4 Cups of water boil 6 Bay Leaves for an hour at medium to low heat. Save to use later.
Tamale papers usually come in 41/2” X 5” pieces. Corn Husks are random.
Mix all dry ingredients. Add liquid ingredients and mix. Add Ground Chuck and mix well. Keep finished mixture a close to refrigerated cold as possible. Return to refrigerator if approaching room temperature.
Separate Papers/Husks and place in bowl of warm water. Papers/Husks should be limp.